Jim is among the very few people I call a trusted friend. I first met him when he helped our family through a crisis and his kindness and beautiful soul has never ceased to amaze me. How he addresses our relationship, I dare not speak for.

Jim is an employee of Custom Shutters. And when I asked him what his title out there was, he said that although it had nothing to do with reality, he is their Wholesale Sales Manager. From what I know about Jim, he does a little bit of anything that needs to be done. He suggested that any one of the following 'titles' might be more appropriate:

3rd assistant to the 8th Vice-President
General Flunky
All Around Good Guy and Great American Unsung Hero
Part Time Silent Movie Star and Occasional Boy Wonder
Man About Town Every Now and Then
My parent's baby boy
The Most Important Man in the Word to my wife, my kids, and my dogs
                 (my parakeet has a mind of it's own!)

My vote would be for number 3, among others.

Over the past few months (and hopefully more in the future), Jim has been sharing with me some Jems that just are too good to put away in a file and not share with the world.

So here, for better or worse (sorry, Jim, some are pretty corny    :]  ) are Jim's Jems.

nspirational              acky

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Copyright © 1997-2001 WebsByLois                      Last updated on Thursday, June 28, 2001